Start with AI, customize with no-code.

Artificial Intelligence to build internal software

Jestor helps you automate your tasks and mange your company without the need to increase your team.

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What processes would you like to manage?
Trusted by entrepreneurs who have outgrown their spreadsheets

Tools to boost productivity, save time, and reduce errors.


Tasks and To-Dos for all processes, all in one place

Create tasks with a single click. Add deadlines, statuses, comments, and assignees. Manage personal and team tasks on the same screen.

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Tasks and To-Dos for all processes, all in one place

SLA and phase time automatically calculated

Track a full history of all phase changes, including who advanced them and when. Set multiple SLAs for each process.

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SLA and phase time automatically calculated

370+ Native Automations and Integrations, no-code

Send emails, Slack, Teams, generate PDFs, and use AI — no coding required. Automate your processes in just a few clicks.

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370+ Native Automations and Integrations, no-code

Super Customizable Public or Internal Forms

Build forms with conditional fields, pagination, and full customization of colors, sizes, and styles. Easily add videos, links, and photos.

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Super Customizable Public or Internal Forms

Build tools for your business, no coding required

Customize apps and tables for your processes. Do it all without developers by dragging blocks and configuring it your way.

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Build tools for your business, no coding required

Kanban Boards with Conditional Phases and Colors

Manage your processes by phases and add automations and buttons to streamline each step.

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Kanban Boards with Conditional Phases and Colors

Exchange Emails Within Cards and Create Cards via Email

Communicate with clients using card-specific native email to organize conversations by tickets or opportunities.

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Exchange Emails Within Cards and Create Cards via Email

Conversation Channels and Card Comment Hub

Move away from WhatsApp and iMessage groups and organize your team with business chats. Centralize all comments in one place.

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Conversation Channels and Card Comment Hub

Your Entire Jestor Accessible on Mobile and Tablet

Access all your tools, including tables, Kanbans, forms, and apps, directly from your mobile device — not just notifications.

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Your Entire Jestor Accessible on Mobile and Tablet

Emails, spreadsheets and paying ten tools costs time and money.

Too many tools

Costly and lacks a centralized view.

Missing deadlines

Do you know exactly what’s due today? How about next week?

Hiring for backoffice

Another person typing into Excel won’t solve your problem.

Build it with AI and customize
without code.

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Text-to-App platform for building internal tools

Build workflows in seconds by asking Jestor’s AI. Add text, images, PDFs, and spreadsheets to create an initial version of your tool.

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Text-to-App platform for building internal tools

Convert images and PDFs into data

Convert information from images and PDFs into structured data. Save hundreds of hours with our OCR (Optical Character Recognition).

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Convert images and PDFs into data

370+ Native Integrations and Automations

Make Jestor work for you. Use AI and automations to update processes, generate PDFs, send emails, and more.

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370+ Native Integrations and Automations

Complete tasks across your organization

Stay on track and meet deadlines. Generate tasks across workflows and visualize progress with Gantt charts and color conditionals.

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Complete tasks across your organization

“Jestor helped us replace manual work previously handled by spreadsheets, Google Docs, WhatsApp and Pipefy.”


Florian Hagenbuch

Founder at Loft

Need help building? We do it with you.

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